Monday, February 13, 2012

3 more weeks

... to my EDD. That's exactly 21 days to 5 March 2012.

Things are getting exciting! And I'm getting slightly worried that I don't have enough time to get things ready for Jake. But I'm getting there - slowly.

Just for my own sanity, here's what I have done already:
- packed and cleared what's in the old home to the new one.
- the bestie has also packed and brought over stuff to my new home.
- started consuming coconut (heresay it's good, though I just do it because coconut is cold & yummy!)

After the packing, at least I know what I have.

Next steps:
- to unpack all that I've brought over (everything's just piled in a mess!) so Jake has his own space
- to begin washing Jake's clothes
- to begin sunning and airing Jake's stuff - mattresses/pillows/etc
- to begin to think about where and how his stuff are going to be laid out for convenient changing/sleeping/resting/etc

Is that all? I honestly am rather semi-clueless. Because my memory is that of a mosquito's right now.


O yes. I need to pack the hospital bag.

At my last gynae visit 2 days back, Jake's gained 200g and weighs approximately 2.8kg. My total weight gain is now 11kg. And my level of discomfort is increasing steadily. What really bothers me is the achey-pelvic area - because I'm seriously creaking now. I creak more when I walk down the stairs, I creak slightly when I walk (and it gets worse as I walk further); I creak and get sharp pains when I shift lying down in bed and it's actually painful to lay down and get up and do any form of moving really. I'm creaky, generally. Not fun.

But! Why I'm creaking is because Jake is in position already and the more I stand on my feet, the more he's lodged in position, thus the extreme pressure on my pelvis. And according to the Doc, Jake will likely be a full-term baby, just like his sister. So yea, back to my original point about seeing him in about 21 days' time.

My visits from now will be on a weekly basis and based on the Doc's prediction of Jake the-full-term-baby, I'll probably see him 3 more times before anything exciting really happens. It also means I just have to grit and bear with the discomfort until then. But I guess I'm ok with that because it does give me more time to prepare for him to come. I'd have stopped work a whole week before his arrival and I can use this time to do anything, everything, or nothing!

To end off, here are some pics:

Pregnant me at 36+ weeks (snapped sometime last week)

A lovely surprise gift delivered to my office today! My crafty friend made this and I'm so thrilled at how lovely it looks! Can't wait to go home tonight and open it up to check out its contents!

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